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wise words ~【】《》

welcoming hello , sunrise

春来花自青, 秋至叶飘零。

03 April 2010

4.03 The faded pictures 泛黄照片


Photos courtesy of Choong Chee Nam. 照片由 Choong Chee Nam 校友提供。
(若您要提供学校旧照片,请将照片以600 dpi 像素扫描,然后电邮给右下角的电邮地址。If anyone of the viewers would like to provide the school old pictures, kindly scan into 600 dpi resolution and send to the email address located at the lower right corner)
Click the photos to enlarge.
第十九届毕业班师生合照 19th Graduation Photos (1979)

Personally like this photo a lot, it depicted the era of 50s and 60s, and the right corner housing rooftop seems to be "atap".

The joint-amusement gathering performances by SJKC Kuala Rui and SJKC Kampung Baharu Batu Dua.

Malaya Independence Day Ceremony.

6.12.1968 毕业照 Graduation Photo

30.10.1972 毕业照 Graduation Photo

5.11.1975 第十五届毕业班师生照 15th Graduation Photo