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wise words ~【】《》

welcoming hello , sunrise

春来花自青, 秋至叶飘零。

26 October 2012

Only left in Memory - Elephant Statue 永在怀念中-大象石雕

Only left in Memory - Elephant Statue  永在怀念中-大象石雕
Once was the landmark of Gerik 曾经是宜力的地标。

背景远处右边停放着两辆红黄巴士的位置,就是现有的国油Petronas 油站位置。


24 October 2012

10.24: 华语演讲比赛 Chinese Speech Competition (a)

2012.10.24: 华语演讲比赛 Chinese Speech Competition (a)

10.24: 华语演讲比赛 Chinese Speech Competition (b)

2012.10.24: 华语演讲比赛 Chinese Speech Competition (b)