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wise words ~【】《》

welcoming hello , sunrise

春来花自青, 秋至叶飘零。

06 January 2013



雲開了   是時候了 
落葉飄   時節轉換 
生命是河    緩緩的流向遠方 

盼望飛翔   在藍天上
風起雲散   人生無常 
心境是河   緩緩的流向遠方 

靜寂清澄    志玄虛漠
紅塵人間    咫尺天涯 
因緣是河    緩緩的流向遠方 


31 December 2012


Joke of the Day (2012.12.31)

Why 80% of Malaysians going to UK to study law?

UK Immigration Officer: Purpose of visit?

Visitor: I’m here to study law, sir.

Officer: You know, you must have a lot of lawyers in Malaysia.

Visitor: Why do you say that?

Officer: Well, I’ve been here for a good twenty years, and I’d say 80% of Malaysians I see here say they’re here to read law.

Visitor: Oh, really? That’s really something I never knew. Hard to believe in fact.

Officer: Just you watch, then. You just stand here until the next Malaysian comes along, and I’ll bet he’s here to read law.

*Visitor waits for 5 mins, Ah Chong from Malaysia comes to immigration counter*

Officer: Mr. Ah Chong, purpose of visit?

Ah Chong: Study lorr (啰)

(Lor is a chinese dialect accent, a casual way or expression which carries a sense of resignation.)


25 December 2012


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